This era was called the era of speed, but this attribute was deficient in its description. It was said that it was the era of knowledge explosion, but it was a characteristic that did not represent it as it should. We do not find a definition that best describes it except that it is the era of racing to the unknown through tomorrow. The nations that are rigid in their upbringing, education, and concern for the individual are the ones that overlook the aspect of renewal and the factor of speed. In contrast to that, those nations that paid attention to regeneration and the element of speed are the ones that advanced, developed, and led the world to the extent they had. To build society, we must begin by creating the individual, and this development can only occur through learning and experience; in an era like this, only those who possess knowledge and employ it in the technology service will win their race. Continuous education is not new; it is as old as civilizations. Education is a constant process not limited to a particular stage of life or confined to a specific study stage. John Dewey said regarding this type of education, "True learning comes after we leave school, and there is no justification for stopping it before death." Therefore, continuing education is any education or training after formal education that aims to develop professional skills and raise the level of work. It is also an educational activity that delivers information and skills to build the individual's skills. The College is keen to implement ongoing programs and courses for its faculty and administrators and motivate them to attend these programs and courses to develop their skills and acquire new knowledge.
Improved performance
Continuing education improves employees' performance. Well-trained staff are more reliable, productive, and motivated. They can use these skills to solve problems, improve processes, and create new ideas, which in turn contributes to the Organization's success.
Fostering Innovation
Innovation is critical to any organization's success. Promoting a learning culture can encourage employees to develop new ideas and solutions, increase efficiency, create new products, and enhance customer satisfaction.
Increased retention rate
Enterprises that invest in the development of their employees are likely to maintain them. This is because staff members are more appreciated and satisfied with their jobs. Furthermore, continuing education provides career development opportunities, a critical factor in talent retention.
Increased cost-effectiveness
Investing in current staff development is less expensive than re-hiring and training new staff. By providing training and development opportunities for these employees, enterprises can save money on recruitment and preparation costs. Furthermore, well-trained staff are less likely to make mistakes, reducing the costs of such errors.
High performance
Continuing education is critical to becoming one of the best performers in your field. By developing skills and acquiring new knowledge, you can increase your performance or your functional competence. This will help you become more efficient, effective, and confident in your business.
Career Development
Additional training, education, or skills development can help you achieve your professional goals. If you follow a particular career path or want to get a new position, continuing education can help you acquire the skills and qualifications needed to get that. This, in turn, will increase your chances of getting your dream job.
Licenses or Certificates
Licenses or certificates are a prerequisite for specific functions. Further education is essential for employees wanting to obtain or renew professional licenses or certificates. This will help you stay updated with your business's latest systems and developments.
Promotions and incentives
You can take advantage of developing your performance at work and increase your chances of future promotions or financial incentives by taking time to learn a new skill or acquire new knowledge. You increase your chances of receiving promotions or rewards by demonstrating your commitment to self-development.
Personal Development
Continuing education is not limited to professional development only. Pursuing extra-curricular interests can lead to a broader vision and evolution that opens doors for new opportunities in the future. Personal development can help you gain new perspectives, learn new skills, and expand your horizons.
Competition exports
Staying current on your business's latest trends and developments can help you stay ahead of the competition. By constantly updating your knowledge and developing your skills, you can present yourself as a high-value asset in your Organization and thus remain competitive.