College News

BLS Training Program

EPDA Club at the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Khamis Mushait, in cooperation with the outpatient clinics, implemented a training…

Mental health and Psychological Awareness Program

The female section of the College of Applied Medical Sciences, Khamis Mushait, represented by the Guidance and Counseling Unit,…

Al-Asiri wins third place

Deanship of the College of Applied Medical Sciences in Khamis Mushait honored on Tuesday, 3/8/1443 AH, the…

Foundation Day Celebration

Under the patronage of His Excellency the Dean of the College and in the presence of the College’s staff and students, the EPDA Club…

New Students Reception Ceremony

The College  held an introductory meeting for new students on  2 Rajab, 1443 A.H. The meeting was attended by His Excellency the Dean of…

EPDA Club wins first place

EPDA Club at the College of Applied Medical Sciences in Khamis Mushait won the first place at the level of King Khalid University for the…