Announcements & Events

World Oral Health Day

Since dental diseases are the most common in the world, with a percentage of 6 years of age reaching 96%, the importance of this day has emerged to promote dental health and encourage their safety.


BLS Training Program

EPDA Club at the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Khamis Mushait, in cooperation with the outpatient clinics, implemented a training program on BLS accredited by the Heart Association in the outpatient clinics, carried out by Dr. Ashwaq Al-Asiri, assistant professor at the College of Medicine. The program was attended by advanced students, seventh and eighth levels.

Human Resource Unit

This unit is linked to the Director of College Management. It is the cornerstone and the most critical department in an institution Employment and Manpower Development ", which is responsible for finding the necessary skills and competencies from the human component through which the desired goals can be achieved, and human resources management is not limited to determining the rules governing work and imposing penalties and financial deductions, as some believe, They have other functions, all of which aim to provide staff with the best working environment.


Mental health and Psychological Awareness Program

The female section of the College of Applied Medical Sciences, Khamis Mushait, represented by the Guidance and Counseling Unit, implemented a program to promote mental health and psychological awareness on Wednesday, 6/8/1443 AH,  Aiming to spread a culture of psychological awareness among female students with a total attendance of 277 students


Al-Asiri wins third place

Deanship of the College of Applied Medical Sciences in Khamis Mushait honored on Tuesday, 3/8/1443 AH, the student Yazid bin Saeed bin Saad bin Abdullah Asiri, a student of the Public Health Department and a member of the EPDA Club, for his participation in the Eighth Sports Olympiad and for winning the third place in swimming at the university level, wishing him Success


Foundation Day Celebration

Under the patronage of His Excellency the Dean of the College and in the presence of the College’s staff and students, the EPDA Club celebrated the occasion of the founding day by launching an introductory exhibition on the occasion that included a number of historical information about the establishment of the Kingdom Saudi Arabia and its beginnings

Announcements & Events

Foundation Day Celebration

founding day celebration


Academic Recommendations

An electronic system addressed to graduate students and expected graduates to request recommendations from faculty members to include these recommendations in their applications submitted to various academic bodies.
