College News
The Department of Public Health organized a program entitled "The Health of Our Children" on Thursday, 14/8/…
On Sunday 1446/08/10 AH 2025/02/09, the College of Applied Medical Sciences, Kamis Mushait, Student Club, in…
The College of Applied Medical Sciences, Student Club, in collaboration with the Central Pages Club with the…
The College of Applied Medical Sciences, Student Club, with the support of the Deanship of Student Affairs for…
Khaled Ali Asiri, an anesthesia student at the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Khamis Mushait, won second place in the KASU Award for…
Under the supervision of the Deanship of Student Affairs, King Khalid University, the College of Applied…
The Department of Public Health, College Applied Medical Sciences, Khamis Mushayet, male section, presented a…