الأيام والأسابيع الدولية
Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month is the month of March. Colorectal cancer is the third most common type of cancer in the world. Awareness…
A disease is rare when it affects less than 1 per 2000 persons. It is estimated that about 6000 to 8000 rare…
International Childhood Cancer Day is an awareness day for all children and adolescents with cancer to benefit from the best possible…
Cancer is considered one of the most common diseases in the world, so the world as a whole united on the fourth of February to save…
Promoting the culture of patient rights and responsibilities among society members towards health facilities significantly improves the…
The aim of observing World Leprosy Day is to create awareness against the stigma attached to the disease by making the general community…
The International Day of Epidemic Preparedness is celebrated annually on 27 December through educational…