
The training period is the summary of the academic study and the stage of starting from theoretical education to continuous practice in the training places, which may be the places of employment and work in the future.

This unit is linked to the Director of College Management. It is the cornerstone and the most critical department in an institution Employment and Manpower Development ", which is responsible for finding the necessary skills and competencies from the human component through which the desired goals can be achieved, and human resources management is not limited to determining the rules governing work and imposing penalties and financial deductions, as some believe, They have other functions, all of which aim to provide staff with the best working environment.

Excellence in the quality of the academic services that provide to the student.

This unit is linked to the Director of College Management; it is concerned with communicating important information and decisions to all members of the Organization by following up on the access of information and overcoming the obstacles to its access by using oral, written, or electronic means, as well as monitoring any communication from outside the Organization, i.e., maintaining ways of entering and exiting information by orderly means of communication.

Quality and Development Unit looks forward to placing the college in the ranks of health colleges whose graduates are distinguished in various medical fields and scientific and practical competitiveness at national and global levels.