International Days and Weeks
The World Health Organization celebrates the 7th day of April 2024 as World Health Day so that everyone can achieve the highest level of…
Autism is a developmental disorder that affects communication and behavior and causes social challenges. The way autists communicate,…
World Tuberculosis Day is celebrated on March 24 of every year to raise public awareness about the devastating health, social, and…
Earth Hour is the world's largest environmental event. During this event, people worldwide turn off their electric lights for one hour (60…
World Water Day is celebrated annually. It takes place on 22 March and highlights the importance of fresh water. The Day aims to advocate…
The world unites annually on March 21 to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day, which the United Nations General Assembly approved in December…
The world unites every year on March 20 to promote oral and dental health through preventive measures, preparations, and awareness of the…