Announcements & Events

World Autism Awareness Day

Tuesday 23 Ramadan 1445H

Announcements & Events

World Tuberculosis Day

Sunday 14 Ramadan 1445H

Announcements & Events

Earth Hour

Saturday 13 Ramadan 1445 H

Announcements & Events

World Water Day

Friday 12 Ramadan 1445

Announcements & Events

World Down Syndrome Day

Thursday 11 Ramadan 1445H

Announcements & Events

World Oral Health Day

Wednesday 10 Ramadan 1445H

Announcements & Events

World Kidney Day

Thursday 4 Ramadan 1445

Announcements & Events

Soft skills in the labour market

Tuesday 24 Sha 'ban 1445

Announcements & Events

World Obesity Day

23 Shaban 1445


World Children's Cancer Day

In partnership with the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences' club, Khamis Mushait, and the Deanship of the Student Affairs, the club of the College of Nursing held a program entitled "World Children's Cancer Day" on Thursday, 1445/8/5 A.D. This program aims to raise awareness of this disease among the community, ways of preventing it, and pay attention to children's nutrition to boost immunity. The most prevalent type was leukemia. Symptoms were clarified, including those that could lead to anemia, frequent infections, or abnormal bleeding and bruising.