Alasmari .... A Journey of Success
At the level of student activities, during Alasmari's leadership period, the club obtained advanced positions at the university level, represented in getting first place at the university level twice, the first semester of 1443 AH and the second semester of 1444 AH and the third place in the field of community and volunteer service at the university level and the third in the club crown competition for the year 1443 AH, and the club won the award for the best media equally with the College of Engineering Club for the second semester 1444 AH.
Al-Asmari worked in several volunteer committees and teams, most notably the Youth Committee at the Abha Literary Club as a coordinator for the media aspects, and the Saed volunteer team in the Social Development Committee in the Almoadhafin district, Sultan City and other volunteer teams and committees in different sectors.
Mohammed Al-Asmari was also nominated as a committee member to develop the new study plan for the Department of Anesthesia Technology at King Khalid University.
On the academic level. Al-Asmari was honored among the top five at the Department of Anesthesia and Operations level at King Khalid University for the academic year 1443 AH.